Mnoge kompanije vide Cloud computing kao odgovor na zahtjeve za IT fleksibilnošću, inovacijama i smanjenjem troškova. Korisnicima se prezentira Cloud computing kao nova IT usluga. Međutim, većina tvrtki ne počinje od početka te znaju da postoji više gledišta koja je potrebno uzeti u obzir kada se odlučuje o pravom pristupu Cloud computing-u te njegovoj integraciji u postojeće okruženje.
Ova prezentacija govori o tome kako korisnici trebaju pristupiti izgradnji strategije za Cloud computing, s fokusom na unapređenje poslovanja bez gubitka kontrole nad IT okruženjem. Imat ćete priliku saznati kako HP pomaže tvrtkama na putu do “Oblaka”.

Cloud computing is being seen as the answer to many companies’ requirements for IT flexibility, innovation and cost savings. Customers are attracted to the promise of cloud computing to supply new IT services. However, most enterprises are not starting from scratch; they find that there are many aspects to be considered when selecting the right approach to cloud computing and integrating it with their current environment.
This presentation discusses how customers should start to build their strategy for cloud computing focusing on how they can get the advantages without giving up the control of their IT environments. You will hear about the types of services that Hewlett Packard is offering to help on the journey to cloud.

Detalji o predavanju

Vrsta: Keynote speach

Razina težine: Općenito / General

Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Iskusni (2-3 g.) / Experianced

Poželjna funkcija slušatelja:
Krajnji korisnik / End User
Menadžer - operativni / Manager - Operational
Menadžer - strateški / Manager - Strategic

Predviđeno vrijeme trajanja rada - aktivnosti: 25 minuta min

103_Bauk_HP_cloud.pdf 1,21 MB

O predavaču

Cloud computing - soloutions for a multi-sourced world

Boris Bauk

Hewlett-Packard d.o.o.

Boris Bauk diplomirao je elektroniku i računarstvo na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva u Zagrebu. Svoja prva radna iskustva stječe u Hrvatskoj pošti i tvrtci Hermes plus d.o.o., gdje postaje direktor za operacije i prodaju. 2003.godine prelazi u Siemens poslovne usluge d.o.o. kao Country manager. Pod njegovim vodstvom prihodi tvrtke rastu od 2 milijuna na 11 milijuna eura, a broj zaposlenih od 20 na 70.
2007.godine postaje član Upravnog odbora tvrtke IN2, jedne od najvećih IT kompanija u Hrvatskoj i JI Europi. U to vrijeme tvrtka povećava broj zaposlenih za skoro tri puta te udvostručuje prihode. 1. svibnja 2010. godine preuzima mjesto generalnog direktora tvrtke Hewlett-Packard d.o.o. Svoje znanje usavršavao je na Poslovnoj školi Bled te sudjelovao na nekoliko konferencija i treninga s područja prodaje te poslovne izvrsnosti.

Bauk Boris graduated from the Electronics and Computer Science at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb. His first work experience gained in the Croatian Post and company Hermes Plus doo, where he became director of operations and sales. In 2003 transferred to Siemens Business Services Ltd. as Country Manager. Under his leadership, revenue of the company grow from 2 million to 11 million euros, while the number of employees from 20 to 70.
At 2007 he became a member of the Board of IN2, one of the largest IT companies in Croatia and SE Europe. At that time the company increases the number of employees by almost three times and doubled revenue. On May 1st 2010 he became the Managing Director of Hewlett-Packard doo.
He attended Bled School of Business as well as many conferences and trainings in the field of sales and business excellence.