Inžinjerski bolji PL/SQL sa TOAD-om: Savjeti & trikovi
PS / SQL razvojni ciklus uz pomoć TOAD-a je predmet ove prezentacije i radionice. Svatko tko je radio sa TOAD-om moći će u toku te prezentacije pronaći nešto za sebe. Prikazati ćemo kako brzo i jednostavno napisati kodove, automatizirati posao razvoja, profilirati i »tunirati« kod, surađivati pri tome sa drugima iz tima, pregledavati kod kako bi se unaprijed otkrila uska grla, identificirati te spriječiti potencijalne probleme pri nadogradnji ORACLE-a ili dijelova aplikacija koji se mjenjaju – uz „what-if” te „Index Impact” analizu. Nećemo biti zaobiđene teme kao što su stresni testovi ili testiranje jedinice (Unit Testing). Prezentacijom će biti obuhvaćen prolazak kroz sadržaj od teoretskog nivoa do primjera u živo.

Engineering better PL/SQL with TOAD: Tips & Trick
PS/SQL Development Lifecycle with TOAD is the topic of this presentation and workshop. Anyone with exposure to TOAD will find something for himself in the session. It will show how to quickly and easily write the code, automate developer’s work, debug, profile and tune the code, collaborate with others in the team, review the code to identify the possible bottlenecks in advance, identify and avoid the potential problems when upgrading the oracle or changing parts of the application with what if analysis and Index Impact anaylsis. We will not avoid also themes like Stress Test or Unit Testing. Presentation will jump from theoretical levels to live examples as we go through the content.

Detalji o predavanju

Vrsta: Predavanje / Lecture

Razina težine: Vrlo detaljno i stručno / Expert

Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Iskusni (2-3 g.) / Experianced

Poželjna funkcija slušatelja:
Dizajner / Designer
Menadžer - operativni / Manager - Operational

Predviđeno vrijeme trajanja rada - aktivnosti: 60 min

201_Rapetti Toad for Oracle Tips & Trics .pdf 700,20 kB

O predavaču

Engineering better PL/SQL with TOAD: Tips & Trick

Martin Rapetti

Quest Software UK

Koautor: Uroš Majcen - MRI

Currently I am the Technical Distribution Manager for Quest Software, working in the Emerging Markets team, covering Europe & Africa. I have been employed at Quest Software for the past 11 years. I am responsible for educating and presenting the Quest software database solutions – positioned at both Developers & DBA’s.
The Databases supported are primarily Oracle & SQL Server and secondary DB2 and Sybase.
I have been working in the software industry for 20 years and have had the roles of Developer, DBA and Business and Systems Analyst during this time. I have been presenting at user groups regularly for the past 15 years.
Outside of work I like mountain biking & football.