Da li prosječna Hrvatska kompanija iz realnog sektora u ovim recesijskim vremenima može i želi investirati u IT rješenje koje moze potrajati 12 i više mjeseci? Da li se možete sjetiti 3 najveća IT projekta u centralnoj ili lokalnoj upravi koja su se dogodila u protekle 2 godine, a da su financirana iz proračuna? U kratkom izlaganju želim podjeliti naše vidjenje gdje se nalaze poslovne mogućnosti, kao i IT trendove koji će najspretnijima omogućiti daljnji rast.

Crisis - what we learned and where to look for space for growth
Does the average Croatian companies from the real sector in these recessionary times may want to invest in IT solution that can take 12 months or more? Did you think of the 3 largest IT project in the central or local government that occurred in the past two years, and they are financed from the budget? In a short speech I want to share our vision of where to find business opportunities, and IT trends that will enable further growth of movers.

Detalji o predavanju

Vrsta: Keynote speach

Razina težine: Općenito / General

Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Iskusni (2-3 g.) / Experianced

Poželjna funkcija slušatelja:
Krajnji korisnik / End User
Sistem Analitičar / System Analist
Dizajner / Designer
Menadžer - operativni / Manager - Operational
Menadžer - strateški / Manager - Strategic

Predviđeno vrijeme trajanja rada - aktivnosti: 30 min

102_Tadić.pdf 700,84 kB

O predavaču

Kriza - što  smo naučili, te gdje tražiti prostor za rast

Marin Tadić

Oracle Hrvatska

Marin Tadić već 10 godina uspješno vodi tim vrhunskih stručnjaka spremnih odgovoriti na zahtjeve svih (velikih, malih i srednjih) korisnika, zahvaljujući čemu Oracle Hrvatska pod njegovim vodstvom bilježi stalni rast.
Nakon diplome stečene na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu (Zagreb 1989.) nastavlja se usavršavati na The Ecole Nationale de Ponts et Chaussees (ENPC) u Parizu, na The University of Edinburgh, te Management School in Scotland, a 2005. godine završava Executive MBA. Karijeru započinje u Ericssonovu odjelu razvoja AXE digitalnih centrala, odakle odlazi na bečki Tehnički fakultet da bi sudjelovao u istraživanju i razvijanju TCP/IP protokola.
Nakon 5 godina rada za Reuters, najprije u Beču, a zatim na osnivanju Reutersovih ureda u Zagrebu, Ljubljani i Sarajevu, sljedeće četiri godine (1998.-2002.) provodi na čelu Hewlett-Packard Hrvatska.
U suradnji sa svojim timom upravo ulazi u drugu dekadu realizacije razvojnih planova za Oracle u Hrvatskoj.
For the past 10 years, Mr. Marin Tadić has been successfully leading a team of top specialists, willing and capable to provide solutions for large enterprises as well for small and midsize businesses. Under his leadership, Oracle Croatia reports constant growth.
After the degree from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Zagreb (1989), Mr. Tadić continued his education on Ecole Nationale de Ponts et Chaussees (ENPC) in Paris and on The University of Edinburgh and Management School in Scotland. He completed his Executive MBA in 2005.
Marin Tadić has started his career in Ericsson’s department for development of AXE PBX equipment. From there he moved to the Techincal University of Vienna, where he participated in the research and development of TCP/IP protocol.
After 5 years in Reuters, where, following the initial assignment in Vienna, he worked on establishment of Reuters office branches in Zagreb, Ljubljana and Sarajevo, Mr. Tadić spent the next four years (1998-2002) as Head of Hewlett-Packard Croatia.
In collaboration with his team he is now entering into the second decade of implementing the business development of Oracle in Croatia.