Od vremena kada sam bio APPS DBA gdje sam radio s bazom od 22.500 tablica, shvatio sam da nadzor baza podataka ima važnu ulogu bilo kojeg DBA bez obzira koliko mora biti upućen u pojedine funkcionalne cjeline same baze.
To nije važno samo zbog planiranja kapaciteta već i da se aktivno monitorira rad same baze i time pridonese stabilnosti i poboljšanju performansi općenito.
Na primjeru iz prakse pokazat ću i pomoći ostalim Oracle korisnicima kako da pronađu i spriječe probleme prije nego izbiju posljedice te na taj način pokažu menadžerima svoju sposobnosti kreiranja planiranja i proračuna.
Poseban dodatak je i Apex aplikacija koja vizualmo prikazuje podatke i dodatno olakšava cijeli proces monitoriranja baze.
Since the time I was a APPS DBA, where I worked with a database consists of 22,500 tables, I realized that monitoring database size plays an important role of any DBA regardless of how much DBA realy understand functional meaning of legacy tables/objects in database.
This is important not only because of capacity planning but also to actively monitor database operation which are narrowly tight with it's stability and performance in general.
This studies will show real life example, and I will try help other Oracle users to find and prevent problems before they erupt through the consequences and thus demonstrate its ability to create managers planning and budgeting as well.
A special addition to the subject is an Apex application that visualizes the data and further facilitates the entire process of database monitoring.

Detalji o predavanju

Vrsta: Predavanje / Lecture

Razina težine: Vrlo detaljno i stručno / Expert

Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Bez iskustva (1 g. i manje) / No experinace

Poželjna funkcija slušatelja:

Predviđeno vrijeme trajanja rada - aktivnosti: 30 minuta min

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O predavaču

Monitoring DB size

Damir Vadas

TEB Informatika

Koautor: Mirko Vrtarić - TEB Informatika

Damir Vadas
11 godina uspješne suradnje s Oracle tehnologijama. Nakon prvih godina kada sam radio u HV-u, boravka u SR Njemačkoj, kao green card holder, povratkom u Hrvatsku intezivno se bavim Oracle tehnologijama s naglaskom na DBA i APPS DBA uz programiranje PLSQL i Apex.
Dodatno djelujem kao system architect gdje osmišljavam složenije cjeline kako bi implementacijom potrebnih tehnologija radile na zadovoljstvo korisnika. Izrazito "goal oriented" osoba.
11 years of successful cooperation with Oracle technologies. After the first several years when I worked in the Croatian Army, mine stay in Germany as a green card holder, I return to Croatia and I've been adding new Oracle technologies with emphasis on the DBA and APPS DBA with PLSQL programming and Apex.
In addition, act as a system architect, where I produce complex parts in order to implement the necessary technology for the satisfaction of users. Extremely "goal oriented" person.
Mirko Vrtarić
11 godina rada u programerskom okruženju Oracle tehnologija s naglaskom na Oracle Forms i Reports, te od nedavno Apex.
11 years working in development environment Oracle technology, with emphasis on Oracle Forms and Reports, and last few years Apex.