TOAD Business Intelligence Suite omogućuje korisnicima da brzo kombiniraju podatake iz više izvora, mjesta i formata - relacijskim bazama podataka, BI platformama, cloud bazama podataka i izvorima podataka kao što su Big Hadoop. Korisnici tako mogu sintetizirati ovu informaciju kroz TOAD Business Intelligence Suite prilagođen BI alat, dizajniran posebno i za poslovne i IT korisnike. Uz to će biti demo rješenja.

TOAD Business Intelligence Suite
TOAD Business Intelligence Suite allows users to rapidly combine data across multiple sources, locations and formats — relational databases, BI platforms, cloud databases, and Big Data sources like Hadoop. Users can then synthesize this information through Toad Business Intelligence Suite’s customized BI tools, designed specifically for both business and IT users. Accompanying this will be a demo of the solution

Detalji o predavanju

Vrsta: Predavanje / Lecture

Razina težine: Vrlo detaljno i stručno / Expert

Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Iskusni (2-3 g.) / Experianced

Poželjna funkcija slušatelja:
Krajnji korisnik / End User
Sistem Analitičar / System Analist
Menadžer - operativni / Manager - Operational

Predviđeno vrijeme trajanja rada - aktivnosti: 30+60 min

503_Rapetti - Toad 12.pdf 591,45 kB

503_Rapetti Toad Business Intelligence Suite.pdf 1,55 MB

O predavaču

TOAD Business Intelligence Suite

Martin Rapetti

Dell Software

Martin Rapetti, Business Development Manager, Dell Software (Quest Software)
Odgovoran je za razvoj i prodaju Dell Software rješenja za Database i Application Management širom EMEA. Većina prodaje se odvija putem mreže partnera. Tijekom proteklih godina bio je jako sretan da radi sa sjajnim rješenjima i ljudima,te uživa ​​u predavanju.
Martin Rapetti, Business Development Manager Dell Software (Quest Software)
He is responsible for developing and selling Dell Software Database and Application Management solutions across EMEA. Most of the sales are through Dell Software partner network. Over the past years he has been very fortunate to work with some great solutions & people and enjoy presenting to all audiences.