Ova tema će u prvom dijelu dati pregled portfelja IBM System x serije s tehničkim karakteristikama najzanimljivijih modela. Bit će govora o IBM Express Tower i Rack modelima, High-end poslužiteljima te Blade Centru. Najavit ćemo novu M4 generaciju poslužitelja ove platforme s posebnim osvrtom na sve tehnologije koje su uključene. Predstavit ćemo i opis funkcionalnosti IBM System Directora 6.2 te IBM eX5 tehnologije s osvrtom na RAS ove platforme. U nastavku će biti predstavljeni management servisi System x serije kojima se ostvaruje značajno smanjenje troškova održavanja ovakve infrastrukture za klijenta.
Prikazat ćemo vam pogodnosti koje pružaju IBM Service Pac proizvodi te dati uvid u IBM IGF model financiranja prilikom kupovine IBM System x rješenja.

Why to choose IBM x86 platform?
This topic will show the whole portfolio of IBM System x series with technical specifications for the most interesting models. We will present IBM Express Tower and Rack model, High-end servers and Blade Center. The new M4 generation of this platform with a focus on embedded technologies will be announced. In addition, we will describe the functionality of IBM System Director 6.2 and IBM eX5 technologies and discuss specificity of its RAS. At the end we will show all management services for System x series by which you can significantly reduced costs of maintenance, management and power consumption.
We will also present all benefits clients can receive using Service Pac products and introduce the audience to IBM IGF model of financing.

Detalji o predavanju

Vrsta: Predavanje / Lecture

Razina težine: Srednje detaljno / Detailed

Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Bez iskustva (1 g. i manje) / No experinace

Poželjna funkcija slušatelja:
Krajnji korisnik / End User
Menadžer - operativni / Manager - Operational
Menadžer - strateški / Manager - Strategic

Predviđeno vrijeme trajanja rada - aktivnosti: 30 minuta min

621-Milicevic.pdf 9,70 MB

O predavaču

Zašto izabrati IBM x86 platformu?

Dražen Miličević

IBM Hrvatska

Dražen Miličević radi u IBM Hrvatska od 2011.godine. Karijeru je započeo kao IT sistem inženjer, a zatim je niz godina uspješno vodio sistem integratorsku IT tvrtku. Kao novi IBM-er postaje Brand Specialist za prodaju IBM System x i BladeCenter rješenja. Diplomirao je na Fakultetu Elektrotehnike i Računarstva u Zagrebu 1992. godine.
Drazen Milicevic works in IBM Croatia since 2011. He began his career as an IT systems engineer, then a number of years successfully managed IT system integrator company. As a new IBM-er becomes Brand Specialist to sell IBM System x and BladeCenter solutions. He graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Zagreb 1992.